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“润语——陈磊•水彩日志”线上艺术展Chen Lei • Watercolor Journal(组图)
  中国城市文化网  时间:2023/2/23 18:00:33      来源:    收藏本页


由德必集团(股票代码:300947)、中意设计交流中心、马来西亚艺象中心主办, 佛罗伦萨市政府、佛罗伦萨市第四区政府、上海设计之都促进中心、上海市对外文化交流协会、意大利乌戈·圭迪博物馆支持的艺术家陈磊线上艺术展“润语——陈磊•水彩日志”在意大利时间01月18日12时上线。

Chen Lei's personal online exhibition "The flow of watercolor" is organized by the DoBe Group (Stock Exchange Symbol 300947) 、 Sino Italian Design Exchange Center and The Impression Arts Center, in collaboration with the Municipality of Florence, District 4 of the Municipality of Florence, Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design, the Shanghai International Culture Association and the Ugo Guidi Museum, opens on January 18th, 2023 at 12:00 Italian time. 



With the simple use of paper and water, watercolor painting is full of unpredictable and occasional charm, its simplicity and complexity are suitable for different groups of people with all their aesthetic needs, and inadvertently many aesthetic effects can be acquired, becoming the bearer of various contexts of artistic expression. This artistic language with its expressive advantages in which oriental and western aesthetics intertwine and its long historical and cultural heritage make it possible to always give infinite possibilities of reference and appeal. In the current age of Internet media, watercolor paintings enrich not only people's cultural life, but also show a unique and fascinating art form of social communication.


陈磊 Chen Lei


Artist and designer, born in 1957, graduated from Shanghai Institute of Education majoring in oil painting, Shanghai University Academy of Fine Arts majoring in environmental art, East China Normal University Department of Art Education majoring in oil painting. The art director of the Sixth Studio of the Environmental Art Research Institute of East China Normal University, presided over the design of various professional art projects, and his works were selected by Shanghai Securities Building Public Space, COSCO Shipping Building, Shanghai Life Insurance Company, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Information Building, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Shanghai Financial Office, Shanghai International Group, Hilton, Waldorf Astoria and many other institutions and collectors.



Becky Choong

策展人 Curator

出生于马来西亚槟城州,著名策展人、画家兼艺评。现为马来西亚艺象中心创办人兼艺术执行长、《IMPSART 国际艺象》国际网络艺术平台创办人兼总编辑。国际艺象中心创办人兼艺术执行长,马来西亚槟城州立画廊理事。

1983年毕业于台湾师范大学,2016年考获中国南京艺术学院硕士学位。曾于2003、2004、2006、2017 与2022 共举办过五次个展。前后策展和带团到国内外并接受邀请参加重要联展至少六十场以上。1983年返马来西亚槟城即在星槟日报从事副刊编辑并兼写各报及杂誌艺评专栏多年至今,她个人共出版三本艺评画册,马来西亚槟城州立画廊回顾展艺评特别撰写人与策展。曾专业全面推动少儿美术教育及总策划六十场以上大小联展及音乐会慈善活动。她曾任受邀为百年历史名报-光华日报[小太阳],[大红花]儿童周刊美术顾问,多项大型儿童绘画比赛总策划与评审总监。曾任新闻从业员及跨国际公司行政机要秘书与中文导师。独中高中华文导师与少儿美术教育导师。艺术作品备受私人机构收藏,包括马来西亚上市公司[忆声电子], 中国河南郑州美术馆、中国永定沈钊昌艺术中心、马来西亚槟城州立画廊、台南文化中心、第一现代美术馆,企业私人收藏界等。

Becky Choong (M.A) PKT is a Curator, Art Critic & Artist from Malaysia. She graduated from National Taiwan Normal University on 1983 and went on to obtain her Master Degree from Nanjing University of Arts, China on 2016. She had held 5 Solo Art Exhibitions separately on 2003,2004,2006 ,2017 & 2021. She was invited and joined numerous Group Art Exhibitions in Malaysia & Abroad more than 60 times. Throughout her career, Becky Chong had organised more than 60 Art Exhibitions and Orchestra Performances. Known for her generous spirit, she had also volunteered in and conducted numerous many charities activities and had helped raise welfare funds for Senior Citizens and charity organizations through her Art Exhibitions and Orchestra Performances. She is the Founder & Art Director of Impressions Arts Center, Malaysia a Committee Member of Penang State Art Gallery, and a Chief Editor & Art Critic of the Internet Art Platform 【IMPSART】. Founder and Art Director of IMPSART  Impression Arts Globe Centre.

艺术作品 Art Work


《麦田守望者The Catcher in the Rye》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm


《渔港Fishing Port》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm



水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm



水彩 Watercolor,26x38cm


《驿站1 Station 1》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm


《驿站2 Station 2》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm



Professor Chen Lei's watercolor works are characterized by freehand style to express the essence of the subject. A few expressive strokes emerge from a solid foundation of modeling, which can immediately express feelings and artistic atmosphere, and fully transmit the scenery and appearance of pure artistic information, which is quite exciting. The brushstrokes of the artworks contain the artist's philosophy, sensibility and the brilliant use of evocative colors from which could be seen the artist's expressive liberty and high aesthetic value. The theme of the works completely breaks away from the ordinary realistic shape, but with a streamlined volume, a superb collocation between planes and lines, and a smart composition, the beauty of watercolor with another charm is presented in every single brushstroke motion.

Prof. Chen Lei's flowing creation shows a new look of "feeling" and "reflection" in which contains infinite charm of the fading ink and nuanced colors. The focus of the artworks is the inner spiritual content, whether the form of the painting expounds the aesthetic taste and spiritual value deep in the painter's heart and the function of communication. By depicting the surrounding environment of the Shanghai metropolis, Professor Chen Lei's highly rendered watercolor works let us understand the philosophical inspiration given by nature, combining form and content with his rich emotions, forming his own natural painting style, and endowing the works with a new vitality. Throughout Professor Chen Lei's artistic career, his exploration of the art of watercolor painting and his pursuit of beauty are sincere and serious. Therefore, his watercolor works will clearly show the charm of novel and unique expressive style, and will be highly regarded and affirmed.

——莊夢軒(M.A)PKT Becky Choong


《红色的车 Red Car》

水彩 Watercolor,38x25cm


《渡口 Ferry》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm


《郊野 Countryside》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm


《集市 Country fair》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm


《河南岸 South Bank of the River》

水彩 Watercolor,38x52cm


《街 Street》

水彩 Watercolor,25x38cm

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