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朱成维 欧阳中石——中国书画两大家作品鉴赏
  中国城市文化网  时间:2018-5-23 16:19:00      来源:中国城市文化网    收藏本页

朱成维 生于1956年3月,9岁上学,受母亲影响开始学习书法。13岁随父母走五.七道路下乡插队。本人从小就酷爱书法。十年的农村生活从未放弃对书法艺术的追求。26岁发现自己学习书法有问题开始到处拜师,购买各家法贴也没得到最终的答案。直至苦练到43岁开悟,创立了易得法门。从那时起业余时间从事书法教学。54岁起从事专业教学。被聘为中国艺术教育协会书法专业委员会常务理事  中国邮政出版的《不忘初心继续前行》中国当代艺术大家限量版邮册.艺术家卷,素有中国国家明信片之称,同时被聘为中国大众文化艺术传媒委员等。曾连续任五届中国梦全国优秀艺术特长生展演活动全国总决赛专家评委。本人从13岁起酷爱周易,开悟后以易理作为书法指导思想,探索出一条习练书法的捷径。现任大连汽车职业技术学院书法教授。

朱成维 作品赏析

Zhu Chengwei was born in March 1956. He went to school at the age of 9. He began to learn calligraphy by his mother's influence. 13 years old with their parents five. Seven road to the countryside. I am very fond of calligraphy since I was a child. Ten years of rural life never gave up the pursuit of calligraphy. At the age of 26, he found that he had problems with calligraphy and began to worship everywhere. Until hard to 43 years of enlightenment, the creation of easy access. Since then, he has been engaged in calligraphy teaching in his spare time. At the age of 54, we are engaged in professional teaching. He was appointed Executive Director of the calligraphy and Specialized Committee of China Art Education Association.  China Post published "not forget the beginning of the heart to continue" Chinese contemporary art limited edition of the post. The artist volume, known as the national postcard of the Chinese state, is also employed as the Chinese mass culture and Art Media Committee. He has been the five expert expert of the national finals of the national excellent art performance exhibition of China dream. Since I was 13 years old, I have been fond of Zhouyi. After Enlightenment, I used Yi Li as the guiding ideology of calligraphy, and explored a shortcut to practice calligraphy. Incumbent professor of calligraphy, Career Technical College, Dalian.

朱成维 作品赏析

朱成维 作品赏析



Ouyangzhongshi born in 1928 in shandong taian.Early years studying in jinan in 1950 and was admitted to Beijing furen university department of philosophy, again into logical professional philosophy department of Peking University, majoring in history of Chinese logic, graduated in 1954.In normal school, after graduation, a professor from Beijing normal college logic replacement of calligraphy art professional speaker.Learning book studied under Wu Yan mage first, and then from Wu Yuru.From the tang monument immediately turn all over the northern wei dynasty epitaph;After have also set foot in, nationalities, bones, jinwen, especially in running-penmanship melts former people the tablet LinChi labor more frequently.Often a running , from the method of two Kings, and potential to the king.Cursive in wang xizhi, sun court for cases, also thanks to yellow, wish point method.Book yan wan comely wind, natural elegance.Now to the CPPCC national committee, the state council degree committee of art discipline appraisal group members, the ministry of culture art series senior title of professional committee member of fine arts, capital normal university professor, doctoral and postdoctoral mentor, director of the institute of Chinese calligraphy culture.His blog for more optimal, in logic, classics, phonological, painting, drama, literature, calligraphy and other subjects have the profound attainments, is China's famous scholars, educators, calligrapher.


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