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党荣艺 欧阳中石——中国书画两大家作品鉴赏
  中国城市文化网  时间:2018-2-5 12:45:51    www.citure.net  来源:中国城市文化网    收藏本页


  党荣艺 号嵩汝人,出生于1962年7月,河南汝州人,自幼酷爱书法,初期临摹柳体、赵体、二王、怀素法帖,后主攻毛体,习练30载,历练出百副毛体,从形似到神似,彰显个人独特的书法艺术风格,多次参加全国书法大赛,得到广泛的好评,现为中国毛体书法研究院副院长,北京华夏兰亭书画院院士,中国教育电视台“水墨丹青书画院”会员,中国毛体书法家协会会员,韶山(中国)毛体艺术院会员,中国非物质文化遗产保护联盟委员会会员,河南省书法家协会会员。

  Dang rongyi,song thy people, born in July 1962, henan ruzhou person, have been fond of calligraphy, the initial copy LiuTi, Zhao Ti, two Kings, huai su, include main body MAO, after practicing for 30 years, experience the best pair of MAO's body, from the shape to the forms and reveal personal unique calligraphy style, many times to participate in the national calligraphy competition, has been widely praised, currently he is member of Chinese calligraphy institute, vice President of the body, MAO Beijing huaxia lanting academician of the academy, member of China education television station "ink painters painting", MAO body calligrapher's association, member of China shaoshan MAO (China) body academy, member of China's intangible cultural heritage protection league committee member, henan calligrapher's association.







  Ouyangzhongshi born in 1928 in shandong taian.Early years studying in jinan in 1950 and was admitted to Beijing furen university department of philosophy, again into logical professional philosophy department of Peking University, majoring in history of Chinese logic, graduated in 1954.In normal school, after graduation, a professor from Beijing normal college logic replacement of calligraphy art professional speaker.Learning book studied under Wu Yan mage first, and then from Wu Yuru.From the tang monument immediately turn all over the northern wei dynasty epitaph;After have also set foot in, nationalities, bones, jinwen, especially in running-penmanship melts former people the tablet LinChi labor more frequently.Often a running script, from the method of two Kings, and potential to the king.Cursive script in wang xizhi, sun court for cases, also thanks to yellow, wish point method.Book yan wan comely wind, natural elegance.Now to the CPPCC national committee, the state council degree committee of art discipline appraisal group members, the ministry of culture art series senior title of professional committee member of fine arts, capital normal university professor, doctoral and postdoctoral mentor, director of the institute of Chinese calligraphy culture.His blog for more optimal, in logic, classics, phonological, painting, drama, literature, calligraphy and other subjects have the profound attainments, is China's famous scholars, educators, calligrapher.





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